5 Exercises For Improving Balance


One question that may come to your mind is how to improve balance. There are two valid reasons to convert your workout into a balancing act. First, a regulated wobble energizes deep core muscles to tighten the midsection. Secondly, it develops athletes for that quick turn or dive.

You can focus on muscle building workout plan at home or yoga exercises to improve balance. However, before any move in the workout, engage your abdominals by constricting them, without holding your breath, as if geared to take a punch. You can activate the core muscles surrounding your spine and tone your total abdominal area. Engaged abs also prevent from injury while lifting.

Make sure to check with your doctor before trying these workouts if you have a medical condition.

1. One-Legged Balance

A Personal Trainer in California begins with this starter's move, placing a stable chair or a wall within an arm's reach. With feet conjoined, you can pick up one foot with the knee facing forward or to the side. Hold the position with eyes open, then closed. Switch feet and repeat for four reps on each foot.

If any move seems flawed or unsafe for you, stop and check with a fitness trainer in California. Your health and physical condition may not permit you to do some exercises.

2. Leg Swings

Stand on your right leg and lift the left leg three to six inches off the floor. With arms at your sides, swing your left leg forward and backwards, touching the floor for balance, while keeping your torso straight. Repeat the moves, but don't let your foot to touch the ground. Lastly, swing the left foot to the left side, gripping the right arm out. Reverse legs and repeat.

3. One-Legged Clock With Arms

The balance on one leg, with the torso erect, head up and hands on the hips. Envision a clock and point your arm straight overhead to 12, then to the side at three, and then circle low and around to nine. But do not lose your balance.

Increase the challenge by engaging a partner to call out the different times to you. Change to the opposite arm and leg and repeat. You can avail the services of the best fitness trainer in California, who can facilitate you.

4. Clock on an Unstable Surface

After you attain expertise in balance moves on solid ground, try them on an unstable surface such as a BOSU platform. Stand near a wall or other support, as a precaution. Begin in the middle of the board on two feet. Once you are comfortable, cautiously give a try to the one-legged clocks. It's harder than it appears.

5. One-Legged Squat

Stand with your feet hip-width separately. Point your left foot out front, hardly touching the floor for balance, and push your hips back and down into this physically demanding one-legged squat position. Your right knee must be bent, chest upright, eyes forward and your arms out front. Slowly push up to get back to the starting position. Reverse feet. Ensure that the knee doesn't push in front of the toes.

Safety should be your utmost priority every time. Remove objects near you and stand near a wall or stable surface as a preventive measure in case you lose your balance.


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