9 most effective yoga poses for weight loss


Yoga is an ancient process for maintaining body fitness and this culture is derived from an almost five thousand years old Indus Valley civilization. Till now yoga exercises help us effectively to retain our body fitness during all ages. The yoga practice consists of five different factors, such as exercise, diet, breathing, relaxation, and meditation.

  • 9 Simple and effective yoga poses for weight loss:

Since ancient times yoga is effectively used for different health purposes, and weight loss is one of the prime benefits of yoga. In the following section, we will mention ten yoga poses very effective for weight loss.

  1. Seated forward bend pose or Paschimottanasana:

To adopt this pose you need to sit straight with your legs straight on the mat. Then bring your arms straight out to each side, then slowly overhead and draw up your spine straight. Inhale comfortably then bend forward and try touching your feet with your hands. The professional fitness trainers in California suggest holding this position for 30 seconds.

  1. Cobra pose or Bhujangasana

In this yoga pose, you need to lie facing down the mat, with feet flat on the floor and palms down comfortably to either side. Use both hands to press on the floor and make sure that your fingers are just below the shoulder muscles. Slowly pull your shoulders backward and bend back more with a belly button towards the spine. Hold this position for 45 full breaths.

  1. Boat pose or Naukasana

Sit straight on the mat for yoga at home with extended legs forward. Now bend the knee towards you and then lift your feet up off the floor like your shin is parallel to the floor. Also, extend your hands parallel to the floor and your pose will look like a boat. You need to release this position after 30 seconds and need to repeat this at least five times.

  1. Upward plank or Purvottanasana:         

This is a very effective yoga pose but may be tough for beginners. The fitness coaches at the best fitness center in California suggest performing upward plank under their supervision. In this pose, you need to sit with your legs stretched and straight. Then prepare to rise slowly, with your feet straight and pointed, and try pulling your head back while raising your waist.

  1. Warrior pose or Virabhadrasana

You will feel like a warrior in this pose. To stand in this pose first stand straight with your feet together and then gradually stretch your legs apart back and forth. Now bend your knees of the front leg and keep the other one parallel to the floor and raise your hands over your head. Hold the pose as much as you can and then switch the side and repeat this pose.

  1. Sun salutation or Surya Namaskara

This is one of the most effective yoga poses for reducing belly fat. In this pose, you need to first stand straight on your legs and lift your arms overhead after a deep inhale. Now bend forward and exhale out and then repeat the pose in the plank position. This is a complicated pose an experienced personal trainer in California will surely help you performing ‘Sun salutation’.

  1. Triangle pose or Trikonasana:       

This yoga pose helps in several health issues and especially in weight loss. In this pose, you need to stand straight with your hands overhead and then widen your legs sideways. Gradually stretch yourself down with your hand touching the same feet. Your posture should form a triangle in this pose. Hold this position for five to six seconds and then repeat the sides.

  1. Downward facing dog pose or Adho Mukha Svanasana:

This is another very effective yoga exercise for weight loss and in this pose first, you need to lie on the floor with your stomach on the mat. Then gradually lift your body with the limps and make a pose just like a small mountain with your back high. You will feel the strain in your belly if you hold this position for some time.

  1. Chair pose or Utkatasana:        

In this yoga pose your posture will look as it sounds. So first, you need to stand straight with your legs together. Then move your arms straight up above your head and then bet both the knees simultaneously. You need to hold this position for at least 30 seconds and breathe comfortably while performing this yoga at home.

Final thoughts:

These aforementioned nine most effective yoga poses will surely help you in weight loss. There are several other yoga poses as well as benefits us in many ways. The professional fitness trainers in California will guide you thoroughly regarding the health benefits of different yoga poses. But you should remember that you need to perform these yoga exercises regularly by maintaining a proper routine, else you won’t get the expected outcome. 


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